
Ephesians 4:12

“… to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ,” (ESV)

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Follow Me

Bible verse: Luke 5:27-32

Sermon by: Pastor Wes Stahl

Categories: Uncategorized

Date: 09/01/2024

Follow Me

Would You be Free

Bible verse: Luke 5:17:26

Sermon by: Pastor Wes Stahl

Categories: Uncategorized

Date: 08/25/2024

Would You be Free

Rejecting Jesus

Bible verse: John 4:16:30

Sermon by: Pastor Wes Stahl

Categories: Uncategorized

Date: 08/18/2024

Rejecting Jesus

Living Water

Bible verse: John 4:1– 15

Sermon by: Pastor Wes Stahl

Categories: Uncategorized

Date: 08/11/2024

Living Water

Face to Face with Jesus

Bible verse: John 3:1-21

Sermon by: Pastor Wes Stahl

Categories: Uncategorized

Date: 08/04/2024

Face to Face with Jesus

In Christ's Love

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